Mediterranean Forest Research Agenda 2021 – 2030

La Mediterranean Facility dell’European Forest Institute (EFIMED), sta lavorando alla definizione della prossima Mediterranean Forest Research Agenda che ha l’obbiettivo di definire le principali sfide per la ricerca in ambito forestale-mediterraneo per il prossimo decennio.

È possibile contribuire alla definizione del documento, compilando entro il 15 maggio uno o più dei seguenti questionari tematici:

  • Thematic area 1 – The impact of climate and land-use change on Mediterranean forest ecosystems functioning: assessing and monitoring main physical and biological processes including biodiversity.
  • Thematic area 2 – Integration of the risk of forest fires in land-use and landscape planning and management.
  • Thematic area 3 – Policy, economic and institutional aspects for sustainable provision of forest goods and services.
  • Thematic area 4 – Forest and woodlands in the context of integrated management of land resources: models and decision systems for optimising multi-objective and multi-actor problems.
  • Looking Forward to MFRA 2021-2030 – Please complete this questionnaire if you only wish to give your feedback on what research topics the future MFRA 2021-2030 should address.

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(coordinatore: G. Vacchiano)

GdL SISEF Comunicazione Forestale

(coordinatore: G. Vacchiano)

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