SISEF Publishing

Di seguito gli ultimi articoli pubblicati sulle riviste della SISEF, iForest – Biogeoscience & Forestry (ISSN: 1971-7458) e Forest@ – Rivista di Selvicoltura ed Ecologia Forestale ( ISSN 1824-0119 ).

iForest – Biogeosciences & Forestry

Forest@ – Rivista di Selvicoltura ed Ecologia Forestale

  • Abstract: This study provides an overview of the forests of Basilicata, Southern Italy, including their recent history, dominant forest types, current management, and vulnerability to climate change and wildfire. It outlines silvicultural and management proposals that can be implemented in the new forest plan that the Basilicata Region is about to adopt. The proposals are based on the principle of adaptive management to support forest functionality, biodiversity and ecosystem services. […]
  • Abstract: Forest@, the open access journal of the Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology (SISEF), was launched in 2004. This note provides a short overview of the developments in scientific publishing over the past twenty years, with a focus on the consolidation of the open access model. We discuss the status of the two SISEF journals regarding the following aspects: the international journal, iForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry, has a broad […]
  • Abstract: The book “The role of Quercus trojana Webb in the biodiversity of Murgia Materana Park”, by Enrico L. De Capua, offers a comprehensive overview of the park’s biodiversity, with a particular focus on Quercus trojana Webb. Keywords:  Biodiversity, Preservation, Oak Tree, Development, Protection, Vulnerability Forest@ 21 (1): 7 (2024) – doi: 10.3832/efor0044-020
  • Abstract: In Italy, starting from late spring and throughout the summer, the public debate focuses on the phenomenon of forest fires. For some years now, a further issue has been included in the debate: the anthropogenic climate change, as a contributing cause of exacerbation (or extremization) of the forest fire phenomenon. Italy, like other countries in the Mediterranean basin, has always been affected by forest fires, albeit with different intensity […]
  • Abstract: Climatic variations are events that can cause the colonization of new areas or new hosts, favored by an increase in the growth rates of the parasites. For some years the pine forests of the Domitian coast, in Southern Italy, have been endangered due to the aggression by the cochineal Toumeyella parvicornis (Cockerell). Observation using remote sensing techniques has been useful for identifying infested areas and defining the damage caused […]
  • Abstract: In November 2013 and in March 2015 the Vallombrosa Forest was affected by high intensity windstorms, with gusts of over 160 km h-1. Windstorms caused significant damages to the forest stands, involving in particular silver fir woods (Abies alba Mill.), the most widespread forest typology over the entire surface of the forest. These meteorological events led to the removal of several hectares of tree cover, causing inevitable ecological, economic […]
  • Abstract: Ecologically and economically sustainable planning of forest resources requires tools capable of providing estimates with adequate accuracy on volume, biomass and woody increments. Interest in these attributes has increased since the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change has been given a further boost by the birth of the carbon credit market in the early 2000s. However, the data collection necessary to formulate allometric models for estimating wood volume […]
  • Abstract: The forestry sector in Italy is facing issues related to the need to make the most of environmental, territorial and socio-economic opportunities. The research is called upon to translate technological advances into practical applications, even in the field of geomatics and information and communication technologies. The exploitation of precision technologies can foster innovation and the improvement of management processes as well as the development of new products useful for […]
  • Abstract: Post-fire natural regeneration of Aleppo pine forest in the Gargano promontory (Southern Italy) is documented by means of photographs taken soon after fire and some years later. The potential of pine for adaptation to climate change and fire disturbance through its phenotypic plasticity is highlighted, and future dynamics of Aleppo pine forests and management perspectives are considered. Keywords:  Wildfire, Natural Regeneration, Climate Change, Forest Management Forest@ 20 (2): 48-51 […]
  • Abstract: The implementation of integrated approach in the management of sites of the Natura 2000 network presupposes the stakeholders’ involvement to efficiently combine the nature conservation at the sites with the main human activities (tourism-recreational, agricultural and forestry activities). The aim of this study is to investigate the main strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the current management model of the Natura 2000 network in the Puglia region through the […]
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