
Post-Doctoral Research Position

Characterization of soil respiration across an agricultural landscape The position will be based at the INRA, Soil Agro-hydrosystems and Spatialization (SAS) research station, Rennes, France, within a multidisciplinary team including soil and atmospheric scientists, hydrologists and agronomists, involved in national and international research projects on soil and water quality,...

Seminario AVA dei corsi di studio di Agraria

Il Seminario su Autovalutazione, Valutazione periodica, Accreditamento (AVA) dei corsi di studio di Agraria si terrà giovedì 14 Novembre 2013 alle ore 14.00 presso la Facoltà di Agraria dell’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Piacenza al termine del XI Convegno AISSA. Interverranno: il Prof. Massimo Castagnaro...

Effetti del cambiamento climatico sulle torbiere

Segnalato da Silvana Tamassia Martedì 8 Ottobre 2013, Aula Magna Viale Fanin, Bologna, ore 14-16 il Dr. Luca Bragazza terrà il seminario: Effetti del cambiamento climatico e delle deposizioni azotate sulle torbiere: un approccio biogeochimico alla loro capacità di funzionare come accumulatori di carbonio.

Harwarder per il diradamento degli impianti da legno

segnalato da Giorgio Alberti 25 Ottobre 2013, ore 10:00 Persereano (UD) Invito alla giornata dimostrativa organizzata nell’ambito del progetto Arboplan, finanziato dalla Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia (L.R. 26/2005 art. 16), con la partecipazione del CRITA, dell’Università di Udine, del CNR Ivalsa e del CIASE. 

I paradigmi della sostenibilità

Il quindici novembre giornata di studi nella cornice Simei-Enovitis L’Ordine dei dottori agronomi e dei dottori forestali di Milano in collaborazione con Unione Italiana Vini organizza un’occasione di approfondimento e confronto circa le migliori pratiche per un’agricoltura competitiva e compatibile con l’ambiente, a Milano, il 16...

Senior Scientist, Management of Planted Forests

at CIFOR The Senior Scientist will facilitate and identify strategic opportunities for research with impacts on the management of planted forests for multiple goods and services, to further realise their potential contribution to contemporary sustainable development objectives at scales from local to global, and from smallholder to...

Two Postdoctoral Positions – University of Arizona

segnalato da Federico Magnani The School of Natural Resources and the Environment is seeking resourceful, creative scientists, who are committed to tackling some of the big challenges in the carbon cycle and paleoecology. There are two Assistant Research Scientist positions in ecosystem model-data synthesis are available...

Post-Doc in Biodiversity and Remote Sensing Data Analysis

A Post-Doc position under the supervision of Dr. Duccio Rocchini is available in the GIS and Remote Sensing Platform (Platform chief: Dr. Markus Neteler), Department of Biodiversity and Molecular Ecology of the Research and Innovation Centre. The position is related to the FP/ European Project EU BON Building the European Biodiversity...

Professional vacancy announcement at FOM

FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations – Rome, Italy DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: 18 September 2013 POSITION TITLE: Forestry Officer (Forest Genetic Resources and Biodiversity) GRADE LEVEL: P-4 DUTY STATION: Rome, Italy ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT: Forest Assessment, Management and Conservation Division (FOM) DURATION: Fixed Term: 2 years

PhD position available

The Department of Water Resources (WRS) of the Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) at the University of Twente is a multidisciplinary scientific department specialising in the understanding, monitoring, predicting and sustainable use and management of water resources. The mission of WRS is to develop...

3 postdoc positions at Utah

The Global Change and Sustainability Center (GCSC) at the University of Utah has open positions for three postdoctoral scientists.  The successful candidates will join an interdisciplinary team of Environmental Earth Scientists to investigate land-atmosphere exchange of climate-change relevant atmospheric trace gases and their stable isotopes in...

Soil Ecology Research Assistant in UK

We wish to recruit an experienced Research Assistant in Soil Microbiology to join the plant-soil ecology team within the Ecological Sciences Group at our Dundee site. You will join an enthusiastic team of researchers working on the ecological functions of soil micro-organisms. In particular, your role...