Workshop: “Forest research innovation potential in national and international scenarios” (Arezzo, 29/01/2020)

29 January 2020
Centro di ricerca Foreste e Legno,
viale Santa Margherita 80, Arezzo – Italy
This workshop promotes hands-on networking and exchanges about innovation and developing priorities among the forest research community. The objectives are to present relevant innovative initiatives in Italy and on an international level and to connect current research and practices to further improve existing projects and provide inspiration.
- Rete Rurale Nazionale 2014-2020
- Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali (MIPAAF)
- European Community
- Accademia Italiana di Scienze Forestali
- IUFRO – International Union of Forest Research Organization
- SISEF – Società Italiana di Selvicoltura ed Ecologia Forestale
09.15 Registration
09.45 Opening and welcome
P. Corona (CREA), D. Travaglini (AISF), E. Pompei (MIPAAF DIFOR)
10.00 Presentations (chairman: G. Scarascia Mugnozza)
- The role of IUFRO in fostering global forest science collaboration and innovation – J. Parrotta
- Italian perspectives on silvicultural research – R. Motta
- Perspectives in the management of forest genetic resources – F. Ducci
- Forests and climate change: challenges and perspectives of mitigation and adaptation – C. Calfapietra, G. Matteucci
- Perspectives in forest health – E. Paoletti
- Remote sensing and forest monitoring – G. Chirici, A. Barbati
- Perspectives in forest operation for sustainable wood supply chains at global level – R. Spinelli, E. Marchi
- Perspectives in the science of forest products – M. Fioravanti
- Perspectives in forest economy and accounting – L. Cesaro, R. Romano
- Cities of today and tomorrow: directions and challenges in urban and periurban forests and landscapes – G. Sanesi, F. Salbitano
- Innovation in poplar forestry and the IPC2020- G. Nervo
13.00 Discussion
13.30 Wrap up – M. Marchetti
Lunch buffet
Info & secretary
- Maria Cristina Monteverdi (; +39-0575-353021)
- Carlotta Ferrara
The access to the workshop is free.
Download the Flyer
Info Autori
Direttore CREA - Foreste e Legno, Arezzo