Autore: Redazione SISEF

PhD offer – Vacancy Code 102_BEM_ADME_2

Segnalato da: Francesco Loreto Fondazione Edmund Mach (S. Michele all’Adige – TN, Italy) Research and Innovation Centre Training posting – Training opportunità – PhD offer Vacancy Code 102_BEM_ADME_2 Job title: Research Fellowship to support PhD students for the project MAN-VIP – Genomics and genetics in Arundo...

X Convegno AISSA – Territorio e suolo: il ruolo delle Scienze Agrarie per la valorizzazione e il controllo del degrado

Associazione Italiana Società Scientifiche Agrarie – AISSA Università degli Studi di Palermo X Convegno AISSA: “Territorio e suolo: il ruolo delle Scienze Agrarie per la valorizzazione e il controllo del degrado” Presentazione La valorizzazione del territorio ed il controllo del degrado del suolo costituiscono un’azione omnicomprensiva di qualificazione...

GHG Europe – job positions

segnalato da Nicola Puletti 1) Two post-doctoral positions in land-atmosphere modeling with a focus on (1) carbon dynamics of land use and land-cover change and (2) climate interactions and forest management. 2) PostDoc in Ecosystem Modelling 3) PhD on Effects of irrigation on greenhouse gas emissions...

PhD position on GHG-modelling at the UFZ in Halle

Segnalato da Federico Magnani PhD Student (m/f) in Soil Process Modelling The Department od Soil Physics at the Helmhotz Centre for Environmentel Research GmbH – UFZ is offering a position as PhD-student for three years within the group C-N-Dynamics lead by Uwe Franko. The position is...

MEDfOR – Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resources

Segnalato da Piermaria Corona Applications to the new Erasmus Mundus Master Course  Programme: MEDfOR – Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resources A two-year world-class Erasmus Mundus Master Course Programme that answers a call for a coordinated approach throughout the Mediterranean basin to develop reliable information and tools...

Urban Forests and Political Ecologies: Celebrating Transdisciplinarity

Urban Forests & Political Ecologies: Celebrating Transdisciplinarity Toronto, ON (Canada) – April 18-20th, 2013 Submission Deadline: 15 October 2012 This three-day conference will cover a wide range of issues related to urban ecologies and political transgressions. It is designed for students, faculty, practitioners, community members, artists...

Invito a Convegno LiDAR-Foreste

Egr. Sig.ri con la presente abbiamo il piacere di invitarVi al Convegno “Il progetto Ampezzo – Un esempio per la futura pianificazione forestale in Friuli Venezia Giulia”, che si terrà il giorno 24 maggio 2012 ad Ampezzo (UD).

PhD Summer School

Segnalato da: Giorgio Alberti Soil, plant and biomasses in a changing environment 16-19 May 2012, Pieve Tesino (TN), Italy Aim of the School is to offer the opportunity to PhD students to learn about different aspects related to soil and the changing environment, including climate change...