Call for Papers on Special Issue: Ecology and Management of Castanea
This idea of a special issue was borne out of a newly formed Working Party (1.01.13) within the Silviculture Division of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO). This proposal represents the first major activity of this new working party. This special issue will have a global perspective, and the papers need to encompass research related to ecology, silviculture, or management of a chestnut species
Potential topics and related themes are described below:
- Applied forest management research related to timber production, non-timber forest products, growth and yield, and wood properties.
- Ecological research on stand dynamics, management effects on ecological function and processes, or ecological relationships or impacts of associated species on chestnut management.
- Chestnut as a component in agroforestry, mixed species plantation, or coppice forest systems.
- Pests or pathogens in chestnut systems or pest resistance in managed forests, reintroduction plantings, or mixed species plantings.
- Restoration of extirpated chestnut species or performance of chestnut in reintroduction test plantings.
- Effects of genetic selections or breeding on performance of chestnut in forest plantings.
- Social science research related to chestnut restoration, management, or reintroduction.
- Climate change mitigation to maintain or restore chestnut.
Submission deadline: 30 June, 2022
Planned publication date: immediately after the acceptance of the manuscript
Submit your manuscript to
foto di copertina A. Chuklanov