SISEF Eventi
Segnalazione degli eventi in programma nel mondo della scienza e della ricerca in campo forestale.

- Questo evento è passato.
FireLinks – Sardinia 2020 WG5 Meeting
24/03/2020 – 27/03/2020
Associazione Baddesalighes, Sardinia, Str. Badde Salighes Bolotana, Province of Nuoro 08011 Italy
For land managers, forestry managers, fire practitioners, local community representatives, civil protection, scientists, etc. Participants from all across Europe are welcome
During thousands of years, Sardinia, as other Mediterranean regions, developed a socio-ecological mosaic landscape composed by agriculture, forest and shrublands. Nowadays, the idea of mosaic is still considered as one of the best infrastructures to mitigate the impact of natural hazards, such us wildfires, pests and flooding. However, in the last 60 years, the migrations due to industrialization from rural to urban areas, caused a devaluation of rural economies and led to rural abandonment. The impacts of this abandonment are still very visible in the land, thus dense forest and shrublands now occupy the traditionally managed landscapes. These unmanaged lands generate a much higher risk, e.g. of large wildfires, for rural communities and also for urban population living in wildland urban interfaces under highly vulnerable conditions.
Understanding the way societies need to co-exist with natural risks, enhancing risk mitigation from a bottom-up approach, encouraging actions done by local communities and discussing the best way to apply traditional land management, are key actions needed in order to improve risk management. To succeed, all these actions shall be linked to a sustainable economic model that is not only based in the economic values, but a model that includes other values contributing to build resilient landscapes and societies.
1st Working Group 5 Meeting & Workshop with stakeholders
Day 1
8:30 – 10:00 Registration. Welcome words and introduction (EFI, PCF, CFVA)
10:00 – 10:30 Coffee break
10:30 – 12:00 Visit to Percy House and neighborhood (Associazione Badde Salighes 1879)
12:00 – 13:30 Lunch break
14:00 – 17:00 Face-to-face discussion on (EFI, PCF, CFVA, Ag. Forestas, Regional Civil Protection):
• Recent fires in Sardinia. Traditional fire knowledge in Mediterranean Region
o Weakness and strengths in fire landscape
o Water and fire in Sardinia: a lookout
• Climate change and new vision about prevention
17:00 – 19:00 Planning for the coming days
20:00 Welcome dinner
Day 2
8:30 – 11:30 Fieldtrip to Natural park with Ilex aquifolium, Taxus baccata and Quercus sp.
11:30 – 13:00 Discussion about forest and pasture management: changes in landscape, issues about conservation management or active silviculture, how local communities contribute to more resilient landscapes?
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 – 17:00 Bioeconomy presentations:
• Tourism and local products. Is it compatible with resilient landscape management?
• Lessons learnt from the FireFlocks project: extensive livestock for fuel reduction
• EFI bio-economy experts
17:00 – 18:00 New vision in self-protection of rural settlements. Are the actual measures against fire effective? What can we do to improve our safety?
20:00 Dinner and networking
Day 3
8:30 – 9:00 Travel to visit a burnt area or performance of a prescribed burn
9:00 – 12:30 Opening of the prescribed burn (Sardinia CFVA GAUF+ EFRS and other operators)
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch break
13:30 – 17:30 Conclusion of the prescribed burn and mop-up
17:30 – 19:00 Face-to-face discussion with locals: could we recover ancient traditions by creating local groups of experts in the use of fire?
19:00 – 20:00 Travel back to the forestry house
20:00 Dinner
Day 4
8:30 – 10:00 Communication workshop: “How to facilitate the communication within local managers and interactions with policymakers?” (By Ewa Hermanowicz)
10:00 – 12:00 Discussion and approval of “Carta di Badde Salighes”: best practices to enhance landscape resilience in rural communities
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch and departure
- EFI – European Forest Institute
- Pau Costa Foundation
- Unione dei Comuni del Marghine
- Regione Autonoma della Sardegna – Protezione Civile
- Forestas – Agenzia Forestale Regionale per lo sviluppo del territorio e dell’ambiente della Sardegna
- Corpo Forestale e di Vigilanza ambientale
- European Forest Risk Facility
- FireLinks
More Information
Sito web:
Flyer: Flyer_EoE_Sardinia_final_green.pdf
Segnalazione eventi SISEF. A cura di: Angela Rositi e Maddalena Monge. Per segnalare eventi alla redazione, si prega di inviare un messaggio e-mail a: