Questionario sull'innovazione Europea in tema di legno di latifoglie

An online questionnaire has been developed in which all stakeholders in research and industry can provide their ideas on future research and innovation needs on the use of hardwoods in Europe.
This questionnaire will be open until 13 October 2016.
This action is the official kick-off activity of the “European Hardwoods Innovation Alliance – EHIA”, which represents a trans-national, multi-actor collaboration in Europe. EHIA has been accepted as a commitment under the European Innovation Partnership for Raw Materials (ID 669).
The overall aim of the EHIA is to create a focused alliance ONLY dedicated to hardwood species as a complementary potential field for innovations.  EHIA will coordinate the know-how and the critical mass leading to breakthroughs in innovation, research and education and it will create new qualified employment in smart rural regions within Europe. The timeframe is considered to facilitate collaboration with a long-term perspective (2025 and beyond). More detailed information on the initiative is provided in the official invitation letter.
The European Hardwoods Innovation Alliance runs under the umbrella of InnovaWood in close collaboration with the European Forest Institute (EFI).

Info Autori

Istituto di Ricerca sugli Ecosistemi Terrestri (IRET), Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Sesto Fiorentino, FI | Altri Posts

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