Summer School: Quantitative Wood Anatomy

8-12 June in San Vito di Cadore  Italy This fieldweek will be organized and conducted by Marco Carrer (University of Padova, IT) Alan Crivellaro (University of Padova, IT) and Georg von Arx (WSL, Birsmendorf, CH) and will take place in our scenic mountain lab
Anybody interested to use quantitative wood anatomy is invited, including young and experienced researchers, and technicians. Participation will be limited to a maximum of 20 people.
We will provide the participants with the necessary skills to extract high-quality anatomical data from wood samples. The course starts with an overview of different sample preparation techniques and then focuses on all processing and analysis steps until the data is produced. The program includes ample time for practicing.
The following topics will be covered:
•       Wood sample preparation (rotary microtome, sledge microtome, surface preparation)
•       Staining and preparation of permanent samples
•       Creating high-resolution panorama images of entire samples and wood surface scanning
•       Introduction to the image analysis tools ROXAS and ImageJ
•       Analyzing anatomical images to produce different basic and derived anatomical data
•       Using quantitative wood anatomy for different research questions in environmental research
The focus will be on anatomical measurements related to conduits (size, cell wall thickness, vessel topology), since they are most commonly used in research. But also the quantification of cells in the phloem and ray parenchyma will be touched.
The fee will be 450 Euro including conference fee, accommodation and meals. A few places, in shared rooms at the lab, are available for MS only for a reduced fee of 250 €.
Do not hesitate to contact if you have any question related to the training school.
We are looking forward to meeting you in San Vito!

On behalf of the organizers,
Marco Carrer, Alan Crivellaro, Georg von Arx

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