Position for Regional Climate Modeler
The Department of Geography at San Diego State University invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in climate modeling. Candidates must have a PhD in Geography or a related field and demonstrated outstanding research potential in climate modeling, with interests that could include land-atmosphere interactions, dynamic and statistical downscaling, high-resolution modeling, regional drivers of climate variability and change, and impacts of climate change on water resources, ecosystems, hazards, human health or society. Demonstrated excellence in teaching and scholarship and commitment to funded research activity is required. The candidate will have an interest in teaching graduate and undergraduate courses in climatology, climate change, and climate modeling.
The successful candidate will join and contribute to the interdisciplinary Area of Excellence: The SDSU Center for Climate and Sustainability Studies, will interact with recent hires in land surface modeling and climate mathematics, and will participate in the SDSU Master’s programs and joint SDSU-UCSB PhD program in Geography. Anticipated start date for the position is Fall 2015.
Applications should include
i) letter of application describing research and teaching interests,
ii) curriculum vitae including publications, presentations, research summary, and past, current and pending funding,
iii) three letters of reference sent directly to the search committee. Electronic submission of application materials and letters is encouraged and should be sent via email to climate_model_search@mail.sdsu.edu.
Applications received by October 1, 2014 will receive full consideration and the position will remain open until filled. For additional information visit the web site or contact the Chair of the Search Committee, Trent Biggs (tbiggs@mail.sdsu.edu).
SDSU is a Title IX, equal opportunity employer.
Info Autori
Scuola di scienze Agrarie, Forestali, Alimentari e Ambientali (SAFE-UNIBAS)