2nd World Forum on Urban Forests Pre-Forum Webinar on Health and Green Spaces
Pre-Forum webinar online with Prof. Thomas Astell-Burt who has long-standing interest in the relationship between nature and human health
Pre-Forum webinar online with Prof. Thomas Astell-Burt who has long-standing interest in the relationship between nature and human health
Call for abstracts! Send your proposal by February 17th 2023 and join the 2nd World Forum on Urban Forests in Washington DC as a speaker
Silva Mediterranea Workshop in the framework of the Green Urban Oases Programme to focus on urban forestry and urban greening in drylands
Great opportunity for students that can gain the title of Urban Forestry Professional via their university. Check it out what UForest is.
In questi giorni sta assumendo sempre maggiore rilevanza il ruolo che le polveri sottili in ambiente urbano potrebbero esercitare nel predisporre e facilitare la diffusione pandemica del virus COVID-19. È peraltro ben noto che l’esposizione ad inquinamento atmosferico ed in particolare alle polveri sottili favorisce malattie che coinvolgono l’apparato respiratorio. In questo contesto di forte preoccupazione, rileviamo che le foreste urbane possono contribuire a ridurre le concentrazioni di particolato o comunque a favorirne la dispersione.
Il 17 November 2014, at Aula Marconi CNR, P.le Aldo Moro, 7 ROMA, COST FP1204 and IBAF-CNR organise the conference Green Infrastructures and Urban forests for improving the environment and the quality of life Programme 10.00 – Welcome Luigi Nicolais, President of CNR Enrico Brugnoli, Director...