Special Issue on Forests, Agriculture and Environmental Protection

Forests and agricultural systems are an integral part of the global environment and human well‐being, providing multiple goods and services essential for people worldwide and crucial for sustainable development. Forests are seen as carbon sinks, as stabilizers of climate, as protectors of watersheds, and as conservers of biological diversity. Agriculture uses natural resources to produce commodities, which maintain life.

Call for abstracts: “World Forum on Urban Forests” (Mantova, 28/11 – 1/12, 2018)

You will find attached to this post the tentative programme of the Forum, the template for abstracts as well as a short description of the key topics that will be covered under the different sessions. The deadlines for submissions are as follows: Abstract submission: 30th April; Side event proposals submission: 30th April; Pre-registration deadline: 30th April; Decision on abstracts acceptance: 30th June; Decision on abstracts acceptance: 30th June.

First workshop “Added value of wood in the future”

27/02/2018 Sala Seminari SAGAS (Dipartimento di Storia, Archeologia, geografia, Arte e Spettacolo), Università di Firenze Addressed to PhD students and Early stage researchers, the workshop is organized within the GdL “Tecnologia del legno  e Utilizzazioni forestali” of the “Società Italiana di Selvicoltura ed Ecologia Forestale” (SISEF)....

11th International Beech Symposium

18-21 Sep 2018, Viterbo (Italy)   Dear Friends and Colleagues, I’m pleased to announce you the 11th International Beech Symposium, organized by the IUFRO Research Group 1.01.07 on Ecology and Silviculture of Beech, that will be held in Viterbo (Italy), 18-21 September 2018. REGISTRATION OPENING: 1...

COST Action FP1407 WG1 and WG4 meeting “Wood modification in Europe: processes, products, applications”

26/02/2018, Florence The meeting will present the state of the art of modification technologies around Europe, production capacity and practical applications developed in the different countries. The meeting is co-organized by COST Action FP1407, University of Florence GESAAF, CNR IVALSA, University of Basilicata SAFE, SISEF Wood...

Il Ritorno dei Sistemi Agroforestali (Venerdì 2 Febbraio 2018, Fiera Agricola Verona)

L’agroforestazione (agroforestry) è l’insieme dei sistemi agricoli nei quali la coltivazione di specie arboree e/o arbustive perenni sono consociate a seminativi e/o pascoli, nella stessa unità di superficie. Se a metà del secolo scorso, nei Paesi ad agricoltura intensiva, tali sistemi sono stati cancellati dalla meccanizzazione e dalla monocoltura, oggi si ritorna a parlare e a piantare alberi nei campi coltivati.

Corso di Perfezionamento: “Una nuova prevenzione per gli incendi che cambiano” (Nuoro, 20-23 Feb 2018)

Gli incendi di nuovo tipo necessitano di un approccio nuovo, non prioritariamente orientato all’estinzione, ma incentrato su una concreta ed operativa “prevenzione”. Su queste basi, il corso si prefigge di affrontare il tema della pianificazione antincendio boschivo dotandosi di strumenti innovativi. Il corso è principalmente destinato ad operatori di strutture operative della Protezione Civile e di enti e agenzie pubbliche, liberi rofessionisti, studenti universitari e neo-laureati.

EGU2018 (Vienna, Austria – 8-13 Apr 2018) – Call for abstracts

European Geosciences Union (EGU) General AssemblyAustria Center Vienna (ACV) Dear researcher,as convener and co-convener we’re pleased to invite you to submit an abstract to EGU2018 section “BG2.23: Mediterranean forests under pressure: current knowledge and future science directions”  (find a description below) The abstract submission deadline is...

Position for: FG IV – Project Officer in the field of forest modelling

As the science and knowledge service of the Commission, the mission of DG Joint Research Centre is to support EU policies with independent evidence throughout the whole policy cycle. The vacancy is within the Bio-Economy Unit, (located in Ispra, Italy), which provides scientific support to EU policies related to the bio-economy such as the sustainable production as well as the use of biological resources and the conversion to value added products, such as food, feed, bioenergy and bio-based products. We are looking for a researcher to contribute to the further development and implementation of the forest growth models as part of the wider forest sector modelling suite of the Unit, in the context of the wider bio-economy and environmental threats (e.g. climate change).

Corso di perfezionamento professionale: una nuova prevenzione per gli incendi che cambiano

Sassari 20-23 Febbraio 2018 ObiettiviGli incendi di “nuovo tipo” necessitano di un approccio nuovo, non prioritariamente orientato alla estinzione, ma incentrato su una concreta ed operativa “prevenzione”. Su queste basi, il corso si prefigge di affrontare il tema della pianificazione antincendio boschivo dotandosi di strumenti innovativi....

C3S SIS AgriCLASS project: new portal

The portal built by the project C3S SIS AgriCLASS is now live, and you can access, visualise and download a range of bioclimatic indicators and crop model outputs along with details of how they can be used. The portal can be accessed at the following URL:

EFI and Euronews partner for new 360 video story on Portuguese wildfires

The European Forest Institute has collaborated with European broadcaster Euronews on a ground-breaking 360-degree video on wildfires in Portugal. Euronews’ special envoy to Portugal, Joanna Gill, travelled the parts of the country which suffered during the blazes throughout the Summer and Autumn. In 2017, wildfires in Portugal burnt up to 520,000 hectares of forest. This represents 60% of Europe’s total, for a country that represents just over 2% of its landmass.

EGU2018 (Vienna, Austria – 8-13 Apr 2018) – Call for abstracts

Changing climate conditions are known to influence forest tree growth response and the CO2 cycle. Dendroclimatological research has shown that the climate signal, species composition, and growth trends have changed in different types of forest ecosystems during the last century. Under current and demonstrated changes in climate variability at the geographic, regional, and local levels tree growth shows also variability and trends that can be non-stationary during time even at relatively short distance between sites. In forest planning and management, yield tables, site quality indices, age class, rate of growth, and spatial distribution are some of the most used tools and parameters. However, these methods do not involve climate variability during time although climate is the main driver in trends of forest and tree growth. Previous research warns about the risk that forest management under changing climatic conditions could amplify their negative effects.

Presentazione Gruppo di Lavoro SISEF: “Verde Urbano”

In Italia, l’80% della popolazione vive in città. Il paese, nel suo complesso, è uno dei più anticamente e densamente urbanizzati in Europa e nel mondo. A fronte delle sfide contemporanee in campo ambientale, è sempre più evidente la vulnerabilità degli ambienti urbani in termini di sostenibilità. Sono necessarie risposte concrete volte a migliorare le condizioni ambientali e, di conseguenza, la qualità della vita dei cittadini. In questo panorama, il ruolo della ricerca ecologica applicata ai sistemi urbani e periurbani è strategico per indicare e sostenere soluzioni basate sulla natura. Vi sono ampie evidenze scientifiche del ruolo chiave che alberi e infrastrutture verdi, in definitiva il “Verde Urbano”, possano giocare per rendere le città resilienti in una prospettiva di sostenibilità socio-ecologica e di miglioramento della qualità della vita dei cittadini oltre che dell’ambiente. Per questo motivo la Società Italiana di Selvicoltura ed Ecologia Forestale ha deciso di formalizzare…