Pianificazione Forestale

RAI Agorà: Emergenza Incendi – Forestali siciliani laureati ma disoccupati (14/07/2017)

Servizio giornalistico sull’emergenza incendi in Sicilia, dal titolo “Forestali siciliani laureati ma disoccupati” andato in onda il 14 Luglio 2017 ad Agorà Estate su RAI3. Nel corso del servizio sono stati intervistati Donato La Mela Veca e Tommaso La Mantia dell’Università di Palermo, entrambi soci SISEF e membri del Gdl SISEF “Gestione Incendi boschivi”.

19th European Forum on Urban Forestry conference

The Slovenian Forestry Institute, the City of Ljubljana (the European Green Capital 2016) and the Slovenia Forest Service, are hosting the 19th European Forum on Urban Forestry conference with a lead theme “Urban Forests for European resilient cities”. The Forum will take place in Ljubljana and Celje, Slovenia, between the 31st May 2016 and the 4th June 2016. The registration and submission of abstracts, as well as information on the EFUF 2016 blog post competition, can be accessed at the following sites:

FORSYS 2013 International confererence on DSS for SFM

FORSYS 2013 – International conference on Decision support systems for Sustainable Forest Management http://www-conference.slu.se/forsys2013/ April 24-26, 2013, Umeå, Sweden FORSYS 2013 is the final event of the FORSYS COST Action. FORSYS has brought together developers and users of forest DSSs from more than 30 countries. The...