Position available for programmer/modeller
in the plant-atmosphere interactions group, based in KIT’s Atmospheric Environment department in Garmisch-Partenkirchen.
in the plant-atmosphere interactions group, based in KIT’s Atmospheric Environment department in Garmisch-Partenkirchen.
Titolo originale: Threats to xylem hydraulic function of trees under ‘new climate normal’ conditions. Autori: Maciej A. Zwieniecki & Francesca Secchi Rivista: Plant, Cell and Environment doi: 10.1111/pce.12412 Negli ultimi anni numerosi studi sottolineano il diffondersi dei fenomeni di declino degli alberi in risposta al clima che cambia....
at the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry (Jena, Germany) in the Biogeochemical Integration Department
The Ecolab of Dr. Yiqi Luo at the University of Oklahoma seeks candidates for two post-doctoral fellows and two graduate students to conduct research in the following areas:
Simulating the carbon dynamics and greenhouse gas exchanges from whole ecosystem ‘best practices’ restoration.
at at Irstea (Aix-en-Provence, France)
This workshop may be of interest to students and junior researchers, although it is open to all.
The Department of Geography at San Diego State University invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in climate modeling.
International Conference, 9 July 2014. Arezzo (Italy), viale Santa Margherita 80 In a world increasingly focused on reducing its carbon footprint, an emerging bioeconomy is becoming a reality, one in which renewable green resources such as forest biomass, rather than fossil fuels, are used to meet...
ERSAF Ente Regionale per i Servizi all’Agricoltura e alle Foreste – Regione Lombardia
organizzato da Osservatorio Foreste e Ambiente, Corpo Forestale dello Stato e Regione Toscana, si terrà a Vallombrosa (FI) il 13 Giugno 2014 presso l’ Abbazia di Vallombrosa.
Organizzato dal Consiglio per la ricerca e sperimentazione in agricoltura – Centro di ricerca per la selvicoltura (CRA-SEL) e dalla Società Italiana di Selvicoltura ed Ecologia Forestale. Oltre cento i partecipanti, in rappresentanza del CRA, di cinque università (Firenze, Torino, Sassari, Siena, Bari), quattro regioni (Toscana,...
The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) is offering research fellowship for 2014. Up to 3 to 4 fellowships are offered up to $15,000 per award. The SCAR Fellowship programme is for PhD students or those within five years of having completed a PhD on the day of the...
at Lund University, Sweden.