Autore: Tiziana Gentilesca

Scuola di scienze Agrarie, Forestali, Alimentari e Ambientali (SAFE-UNIBAS)

BG3.10 – Forests under pressure: causes and consequences of climate-induced forest dieback across biomes

This session aims at promoting a lively discussion on the issue of forest vulnerability caused by climate changes, with an integrated multi-scale, multi-temporal and interdisciplinary approaches. Taking into account your research interests, please consider the option of presenting any recent results in this session. Also, please feel free to forward this e-mail to anyone whom you think may be interested.

Corso gratuito “Gestione delle foreste sotto i cambiamenti climatici”

8-31 Ottobre 2019, Firenze. Coltiviamo la montagna – “Le opportunità dell’agricoltura nei territori rurali” è il progetto di Anci Toscana che promuove attività formative gratuite rivolte ad amministratori e dipendenti pubblici, imprenditori agricoli e titolari di imprese forestali. Il progetto è finanziato nell’ambito del Programma di Sviluppo Rurale 2014-2020 della Regione Toscana – Sottomisura 1.1 Sostegno alla formazione professionale e acquisizione delle competenze.

La Biodiversità degli Ecosistemi Forestali

25 GIUGNO 2019 Hangar – PIAN CANSIGLIO, Convegno di presentazione Progetto Interreg BIODELTA4. Il Progetto BIOΔ4 si pone l’obiettivo di mettere a punto un sistema speditivo (rapido, efficace ed affidabile) che, attraverso alcuni indici biotici sintetici, possa definire la biodiversità delle foreste per dare valore ai territori, ai loro prodotti legnosi, ai loro servizi ecosistemici.

Position available at INRA

The Grassland Ecosystem Research Unit (UREP) of the French National  Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) is opening a 20-month  position for a graduate in the area of grassland modelling at Clermont-Ferrand (France). This position is framed and funded within the  EU LIFE project PASTORALP, started in...

10th IALE World Congress

1-5 July 2019; Milano, Italy THE DEADLINE FOR THE SUBMISSION OF ABSTRACTS HAS BEEN POSTPONED TO FEBRUARY 25 2019 Nature and society facing the Anthropocene: challenges and perspectives for landscape ecology The congress is an international meeting opportunity for everyone working with landscape ecology or who...

Postdoctoral Research Associate position at BOKU

The University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) in Vienna, Austria is accepting applications for a postdoctoral research associate in forest ecology, to work on a project entitled “Sporadic seed production in mast seeding trees – wasted resources or successful strategy”. The project is led...

10th IALE World Congress

The congress is an international meeting opportunity for everyone working with landscape ecology or who has an interest in the field. IALE 2019 will be an excellent opportunity to learn more about the latest in landscape ecology, to discuss with people from all over the world, to share your work and to learn from others. We expect participants from a wide range of countries and so invite you to add your ideas and energy to the mix. From the congress we aim to build a relevant network among environmental NGO’s , civil society associations, universities, local authorities as well as institutions from any level.

Call for abstract EGU. Session BG2.2

Tree mortality and forest vulnerability across different biomes and climatic conditions: the need of multidisciplinary approaches at various scales. The assessment of forest vulnerability and resilience in the sight of global ecological, social and economic changes is a relevant issue. In recent decades, forest vulnerability is...

Call for Abstracts, EGU 2019: sessions BG2.1 and BG1.55

Vienna, 7-12 April 2019 Sessione BG2.1 “Forest management and climate change: From theory to applications” Convener: Fabrizio D’Aprile, co-convener: Ugo Chiavetta In general, the mechanisms that explain how climate variability influences tree growth are known. However, how growth responses vary and distribute among health and...

4th Xylem International Meeting (25-25 Sept 2019)

The 4th Xylem International Meeting (XIM4) will take place at the Botanical Garden of the University of Padua on 25-27 September 2019. The participation is limited to 100 people. XIM4 is a forum for discussing on the cutting edge topics related to plant natomy/hydraulics to advance our understanding on the integration of the different hydraulic compartments in order to implement more detailed and realistic information into vegetation and climate models. The meeting will be focused on the following topics: Resistance and resilience of plant hydraulic systems to environmental stress…

TRACE 2019: Tree rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology

Il meeting annuale della Società for Tree-ring research (ATR) si terrà nel complesso Monumentale di San Leucio a Caserta dal 7 al 10 maggio 2019. Organizzato dal DendroLab del Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Ambientali, Biologiche e Farmaceutiche (Università della Campania “L. Vanvitelli), si svolgerà sotto il patrocinio della SISEF e della Società internazionale di Wood Anatomists (IAWA).

Esperienze a sostegno della valorizzazione della sughericoltura – Visita di studio

29 maggio 2018, Tempio Pausania – Calangianus La Rete Rurale Nazionale (RRN- ), nell’ambito della scheda Foreste 22.2 – Sughericoltura, coordinata dal Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l’analisi dell’economia agraria (CREA), organizza, in collaborazione con l’Università di Sassari, l’Agenzia Forestas e l’Agenzia Agris, una...

Seminario: Editing genomico e utilizzo della tecnica CRISPR/Cas

Nell’ambito delle attività seminariali della Scuola SAFE, per i corsi di Genetica Vegetale (SFA) e di Genetica (TAL), abbiamo organizzato un seminario dal titolo “Editing genomico e utilizzo della tecnica CRISPR/Cas”, con relatori: dott.ssa D’Ambrosio Caterina, dott. Giorio Giovanni e dott.ssa Stigliani Lucia, team dell’unità di Biologia Cellulare, del Centro Ricerche Metapontum Agrobios-CRMA, ALSIA, Metaponto (MT). Il seminario sarà svolto il giorno 13 marzo 2018 dalle ore 11.30 in aula A1, Scuola SAFE, presso l’università degli studi della Basilicata.