Autore: Redazione SISEF

ForestSAT 2012: A conference promoting science-based applications of remote sensing and other spatial data in forested systems

Announcing ForestSAT 2012: A conference promoting science-based applications of remote sensing and other spatial data in forested systems – The purpose of ForestSAT 2012 is to promote scientifically-based understanding of how spatial analysis technologies can help describe and monitor forested systems. Recognized is an inherent need to integrate data from an array of remote sensing systems, and other spatial information, using a variety of approaches…

Scholarships available for Mediterranean Forestry Master

Segnalato da: Piermaria Corona The Universities of Lleida ( Spain ),  Valladolid  ( Spain), Padova (Italy), Tuscia (Italy), Catholic of Portugal (Portugal) and Technical University of Lisbon (Portugal, coordinator) are promoting with six associate partners (EFIMED, ENFI-Morocco, INRGREF-Tunisia, CTFC-Spain, INRA-France and CIHEAM) a two year Eramus Mundus Master course on Mediterranean Forestry and...