Biocities towards establishing an EFI facility on Urban and Periurban Forests (Roma, 05/02/2020)

5 febbraio 2020
Sala Cavour, MIPAAF,
Via XX Settembre 20 – Roma
Biocities towards establishing an EFI facility on Urban and Periurban Forests: a high‐level dialogue and positioning
09.00 Session 1 – Chair: Alessandra Stefani, Direttore Generale delle Foreste
- Teresa Bellanova, Ministro delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali
- Leonardo Bencini, Ministro Plenipotenziario, Capo Unità per la Strategia, i processi globali e le organizzazioni internazionali, Direzione Generale Cooperazione allo Sviluppo MAECI
- Stefano Boeri, SBA and POLIMI – Is the future of cities a Forest?
- Robert Mavsar, Deputy Director of EFI – The importance and role of the urban forestry facility in Europe with EFI
09.45 Session 2 Chair: Giuseppe Scarascia Mugnozza (Università della Tuscia – SISEF), Urban Forestry in Focus
- Simone Borelli, FAO – Global to Local challanges and actions following the World Forum on Urban Forests
- Clive Davies, EFUF – The evolution of urban forestry in Europe over the last 25 years.
- Massimiliano Atelli – Comitato Nazionale per il Verde Urbano – The Italian National Strategy and the new Climate Decree 2020
10.45 Intermezzo: Global views – ‘video shorts’ from across the world – China, Canada, South America
11.30 Session 3: Chair Georg Winkel (EFI) ‘Science meets practice’ – Roundtable event
- Carlo Calfapietra, CNR – From Green Infastructure to Nature Based Solutions for biocities. National and European Projects
- Rik de Vreese, EFI – Clearing House Research and Actions on forest based solutions between Asia and Europe
- Raffale Lafortezza, UNIBA – Clearing House Research issues on urban forests.
- Giovanni Sanesi, SISEF – UNIBA – The role of research and actions on urban forests and Nature Based Solutions for biocities in Italy and the Mediterranean
- Fabio Salbitano – SISEF – UNIFI – Cities, forest, and people: does Landscape matter?
13.00 Session 4: Marco Marchetti (SISEF – EFI board)
Conclusions and next steps
- MIPAAF – Ministero delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali
- EFI – European Forest Institute
- ClearingHouse
- SISEF – Società Italiana di Selvicoltura ed Ecologia Forestali