The EU is recruiting researchers

If you are a scientist interested in supporting EU policies with your research, this is your chance.

The JRC has just launched a call to recruit on fixed-term contracts. As the Commission’s in-house science service, the Joint Research Centre provides the science for EU policy making, providing a unique opportunity to make your work count. Successful candidates will work in one of the JRC sites, located in Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands.
The selection is open to applicants from the EU Member States or from one of the countries associated with the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Faroe Islands, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Israel, Moldova, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland and Turkey) who have a University degree or a doctoral diploma in one of the scientific fields listed in the call (see details below).
The selection process includes practical tests on the basis of which the successful candidates will be placed on a reserve list and can be called for an interview according to the needs of the services. The call is open until further notification.

Scientific fields: biology, chemistry, natural sciences, life sciences, biochemistry, oceanography / marine sciences, nanotechnology, nanobiotechnology, veterinary, engineering, mathematics, physics, computer sciences, statistics, material sciences, economics, political sciences, social sciences, educational sciences, psychology , geography, environmental sciences, agricultural sciences, agricultural engineering, meteorology, ecology, forestry, geology, hydrological sciences, medical sciences, pharmacy, nutritional sciences.

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