International Summer School on Global Greenhouse Gases

16-23 August 2015, Edinburgh, UK

This intensive 8-day course is aimed at advanced PhD students and post-doctoral researchers in the natural sciences who want to develop a solid understanding of the role of key greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the Earth system and the processes that govern their dynamics in the atmosphere, ocean and biosphere.
The residential course for 20-25 participants will be based at the University of Edinburgh and comprises a combination of lectures, practical exercise, seminars and field/lab work. Organised by international experts in oceanography, atmospheric science and terrestrial biogeochemistry in the UK Greenhouse Emissions and Feedback Programme, the course will provide:
* theoretical background on the role of greenhouse gases in the Earth System
* practical training in how to measure and model fluxes
* interaction with leading experts in the field
* the opportunity to network with other early-career scientists with similar interests.
The application deadline is 2 March 2015. For more information and the application form, visit this web site.
If you have any questions about the summer school, please contact Stephan Matthiesen (

Segnalato da Federico Magnani

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