Position available for programmer/modeller
in the plant-atmosphere interactions group, based in KIT’s Atmospheric Environment department in Garmisch-Partenkirchen.
Main tasks include:
· to further develop and evaluate the process-based dynamic vegetation model LPJ-GUESS and contribute to model code documentation, maintenance and version control;
· to assist the group’s research projects by setting-up and performing model runs, and to analyse and visualize model output;
· to assist with model experiments and development of the coupled Earth System model EC Earth.
The main development language is C++, while FORTRAN, MATLAB, R as well as scripting languages are also used. LPJ-GUESS is run on an in-house Linux cluster.
Questions addressed in the group broadly cover the effects of environmental changes and multiple stresses on plant- and vegetation growth, interactions of climate change and land-use change with biogeochemical and water cycles, and feedbacks in the system. The work is done in close collaboration with a number of groups in Europe, especially with Lund university, Sweden.
We offer: a multi-disciplinary, highly collaborative and friendly team, well connected to national and international programs. Salary and benefits will be based on the Collective Agreement for the German Public Service Sector. Appointment will be initially for a period of two years, with the possibility of extension, depending on availability of funds.
Required qualifications: a proven track-record in advanced scientific programming and code development. Expertise in C++, or equivalent programming language, and in maintaining and working with parallel Linux clusters. The work suits a programmer with interest in the environmental sciences, or a natural scientist (e.g., meteorology, environmental sciences) with advanced skills in programming. The appointee must be willing to travel and have very good spoken and written skills in communicating in the English language. Candidates on M.Sc. or Ph.D. level can be considered.
Application: the usual documentation (curriculum vitae, certificates, list of publications, short outline of career interests, and the contact information for two professional referees) shall be addressed to:
Prof. Almut Arneth, almut.arneth@imk.fzk.de<mailto:almut.arneth@imk.fzk.de>
Atmospheric Environmental Research; Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research; Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT/IMK-IFU); Kreuzeckbahnstr. 19; 82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
Complete applications received by 23 September 2014 will receive full consideration, the selected candidate should ideally start as early as possible.
KIT strives to achieve gender balance at all levels of employment. We therefore particularly encourage female candidates to apply for this position. With appropriate qualifications, applications from persons with handicaps will be treated with preference.
Info Autori
Scuola di scienze Agrarie, Forestali, Alimentari e Ambientali (SAFE-UNIBAS)