Third Call for STSM-Green In Urbs
segnalato da Giovanni Sanesi
GreenInUrbs is a four year COST Action that will develop the scientific knowledge-base on the role of urban forests and green spaces for green infrastructure implementation and ecosystem service provision in urban areas. The Action runs from 2013 to 2017.
By linking and creating synergy between social and environmental research, GreenInUrbs takes a novel and interdisciplinary approach with the aims to: 1) increase the knowledge from a scientific and socio-economic perspective, 2) identify priorities and challenges for future research, 3) provide indicators and/or thresholds to be used by policy makers at local, national and international levels, and 4) develop guidelines for green infrastructure planners and managers on how to integrate and maximize the environmental and social services provided by urban forest and trees.
Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) contributing to the scientific objectives of the action are pivotal to the achievement of these targets. STSMs are targeted at supporting early career scientists to visit an institution or laboratory in another COST country, in order to learn from, or collaborate on innovative concepts and methodologies. Applicants are commonly post graduate students or postdoctoral fellows employed at an institution in a COST Country that has accepted the Memorandum of Understanding.
GreenInUrbs activities are structured around four Working Groups (WGs):
- Environmental services of green infrastructure and urban forests, and implications of climate change
- Social/cultural services of green infrastructure and urban forests
- Governance of urban forests in a green infrastructure approach
- Integration and dissemination to stakeholders
Applications should contain a clear title and specify in detail how the mission relates and contributes to the Action’s objectives. It should also describe specific objectives and explain how it will deliver at Working Group level. STSMs should be completed before 31 December 2013. Proposals will be evaluated shortly after reception and the call will remain open based upon funding availability
Info Autori
Scuola di scienze Agrarie, Forestali, Alimentari e Ambientali (SAFE-UNIBAS)