PhD position in Plant Ecophysiology

Location: Basel and Zurich, Switzerland

 Seasonal effects of drought on the productivity and fodder quality of temperate grassland species

 The objective of this project is to test how drought events occurring at different times of the growing season will affect the ecology, biogeochemistry and fodder quality of European grasslands. In a large experiment in the vicinity of Zurich, drought events will be simulated on temperate grasslands at different times of the year using specifically designed rainout shelters. The experiment will help to understand how anticipated changes in precipitation will affect ecosystem goods and services in key European agroecosystems. It is embedded in the context of climate change and sustainable management of agroecosystems.

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Scuola di scienze Agrarie, Forestali, Alimentari e Ambientali (SAFE-UNIBAS)

Tiziana Gentilesca

Scuola di scienze Agrarie, Forestali, Alimentari e Ambientali (SAFE-UNIBAS)

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