Open 3-year position for a technologist at FEM
Segnalato da: Francesco Loreto
Dear colleagues,
there is an open 3-year position for a technologist (PhD degree desirable but not mandatory) in the Volatile Compound Facility at FEM (Italy) under my supervision.
The activity will be mainly related to the applications of two PTR-MS apparatuses (both Quad and TOF) and it is open to the participation to different running and future research projects.
In case you know a potential candidate I would appreciate if you can forward him/her the following links:
1) “work with us” page of my institute ( ) where you can find the link to the position (Technologist for the Volatile Compounds Facility)
2) direct link to the call:
The call is open until March 31st, 2012.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.
Franco Biasioli
IASMA Research and Innovation Centre
Fondazione Edmund Mach Food Quality and Nutrition Area
Via E. Mach, 1 38010 S. Michele a/A – TN Italy
Phone: +39 0461 615 187 Fax: +39 0461 65 09 56