BIOGEOCHEMISTRY or BOUNDARY LAYER METEOROLOGY with focus on atmosphere-biosphere surface interactions
2-year post-doctoral position
Categoria: Opportunità di Lavoro
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Data evento: 30 Set 2010
Post-doctoral position in BIOGEOCHEMISTRY OR BOUNDARY LAYER METEOROLOGY with focus on atmosphere-biosphere surface interactions
BACKGROUND: We are seeking a POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATE to strengthen a newly established ERC research team that aims to quantify and understand the role of forest management in mitigating climate change. Specifically, the team wants to challenge the current focus on the carbon cycle and replace it with a total climate impact approach. Hence, the whole forest management spectrum ranging from short rotation coppice to old-growth forests will be analyzed for its effects on the water, energy and carbon cycles. Climate response of forest will be quantified by means of albedo, evapotranspiration, greenhouse gas sources and sinks and their resulting climate feedback mechanisms.
HOME INSTITUTION: Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’ Environnement (LSCE) is a joint research unit of the Commissariat à L’Energie Atomique et des Energies Alternatives (CEA) and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), two major research agencies in France. The LSCE is located in the vicinity of Paris. The LSCE employs 90 permanent researchers, 60 technical and administrative staff and over 150 PhD students and post-docs covering 30 different nationalities. Their research mission is to contribute to a better understanding of the interactions between human activities in the Earth System, and the environment and climate dynamics at different time scales.
DESCRIPTION OF RESPONSIBILITIES: The successful candidate will reinforce and widen the expertise of the team while strengthening synergies within the LSCE. Research duties include literature study, data processing, model development (ORCHIDEE), model validation (ORCHIDEE-IPSL; a coupled climate land-surface model), participation in scientific conferences and publication in peer reviewed international journals. The successful candidate will be encouraged to generate external funding in her/his area and as such contribute to further establishing the team. The position is available for up to 2 yrs.
QUALIFICATIONS: Given the interdisciplinary nature of the research we are seeking for a highly motivated individual with a PhD and broad interest in natural sciences more specific forest ecology, biogeochemistry, forest management, boundary layer meteorology, albedo, roughness length and their interactions. Rather than for a specific training, we are looking for a candidate who is able to demonstrate her/his ability to publish peer-reviewed papers and communicate in English. Priority will be given to candidates with a demonstrated ability in programming, statistical analysis and manipulating large data sets. Of special relevance is proven ability to be dynamic, creative, open and work collaboratively with a team of scientists.
REQUIRED CONTENT OF THE APPLICATION: There are no specified instructions or forms. Applications and inquiries should be sent to Sebastiaan Luyssaert ( Applications should include a curriculum vitae, statement of research interests and expertise, and names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of three references. Position is available three months after selection and will remain open until filled with review of applications starting November 1st. Salary follows French national directives and is adjusted for work experience.