SISEF Publishing

Di seguito gli ultimi articoli pubblicati sulle riviste della SISEF, iForest – Biogeoscience & Forestry (ISSN: 1971-7458) e Forest@ – Rivista di Selvicoltura ed Ecologia Forestale ( ISSN 1824-0119 ).

iForest – Biogeosciences & Forestry

Forest@ – Rivista di Selvicoltura ed Ecologia Forestale

  • Abstract: The 34th European Dendroecological Fieldweek was held in Bardonecchia (TO), Italy, from August 23rd to 30th. The European Dendroecological Fieldweek is a summer school for students and young researchers interested in exploring and deepening the theme of dendrochronology and all its declinations. This year, the participants were divided into several groups to develop original projects on different topics, from dendroecology to dendroclimatology, dendroarchaeology, and wood anatomy. In addition to […]
  • Abstract: The recent restoration of Notre Dame Cathedral’s “Forest of Wooden Beams” exemplifies the enduring relevance of traditional construction methods and forest science in contemporary architecture. This monumental project, recently completed, utilized about 2,400 carefully selected oak beams, showcasing centuries-old French forestry practices rooted in meticulous silviculture. These practices, dating back to Colbert (1619-1683), produce high-quality timber with fine texture and uniform growth patterns, meeting today’s stringent structural standards. In […]
  • Abstract: The paper examines the crucial role of forests in regulating climate and biodiversity, proposing management and conservation approaches to address the climate crisis and maintain the planet’s balance. Migration to another planet is not feasible in the near term due to vast distances, the human body’s inability to thrive for extended periods outside of Earth-like conditions, and the necessity of co-evolving with a planet’s biodiversity. Biodiversity loss may be […]
  • Abstract: Based on the evidence from the recently updated list of the most influential forestry researchers worldwide from a bibliometric perspective, along with other analyses, this note offers some reflections in the form of a brief, commented discussion on the need for greater recognition of experimental research in silviculture. Keywords:  Forestry, Scientific Publishing, Bibliometric Impact, Silvicultural Research, Italy Forest@ 21 (6): 80-81 (2024) – doi: 10.3832/efor4759-021
  • Abstract: A useful glossary to describe the forest in a simple and scientifically correct way and to explain its importance for the future of our society. Keywords:  Forests, Glossary, Accuracy, Meaning Forest@ 21 (5): 78-79 (2024) – doi: 10.3832/efor0041-021
  • Abstract: Forest residues include branches, tops, and the material remaining following utilization operations. They play a fundamental role in our ecosystems by influencing the presence and abundance of micro- and macronutrients, reducing erosion, and increasing the level of both plant and animal biodiversity. The Italian regulatory framework for forest management, composed of a constellation of rules from different institutional levels, places the regulation for the management of forest residues in […]
  • Abstract: With the incorporation of the State Forest Corps into the Carabinieri Corps and the establishment at the Ministry of Agriculture of the “General Direction of Forests” in November 2017, later renamed “General Direction of Mountain Economy and Forests” (DIFOR), many things have changed in the national and regional forestry sector, as forestry has been gradually given a new political and institutional status. DIFOR has initiated an unprecedented process of […]
  • Abstract: In the European Union, the marketing of timber and timber products has long been subject to compliance with the legality requirements set out in EU Timber Regulation 995/2010 (EUTR), which introduces for the first time forest due diligence into EU environmental legislation. The even more innovative EU Regulation 2023/1115 (EU Deforestation Regulation – EUDR), which will enter into force on 30 December 2024, adds to the well-established due diligence […]
  • Abstract: Molecular techniques for studying soil microorganisms allow to quantify the presence of specific functional groups from the total soil DNA and thus to assess their dynamic in response to the land use. Using this approach, a study was carried out to assess the increase the soil organic carbon (C) of arable land in the central Po Valley with three woody species (white willow, black locust, hybrid poplar) in short […]
  • Abstract: Wildfires represent a critical environmental and social challenge, with long-term implications for human health, ecosystems, and infrastructure. This complex issue is exacerbated by various factors, including socioeconomic changes, unsustainable practices in agro-forestry land management, and the intensification of extreme weather events. The complexity of fire management in Italy necessitates effective governance mechanisms and planning tools at both regional and national levels. This study looks at successful prevention strategies, such […]