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Landscape management smart solutions for wildfire risk mitigation

24/03/2021 h 10:00 12:00 CET

Under future climate change scenarios, all EU countries may undergo increased risk of wildfires, and therefore civil protection and global emergency management will become increasingly important, overall to deal with large-scale and sever fires. These typologies of wildfires affecting forests nowadays are not just a factor of risk for forest but a global emergency involving forest values, Civil Protection and land planning. 

Resilience of forests and landscapes to wildfires can be improved through the fuel and land management in a cost-efficient, sustainable and multi-objective manner, promoting in parallel the bioeconomy in rural/peri-urban areas, the wildfire risk mitigation and copying capacity of vulnerable areas and the adaptation to climate change.

This webinar will show a new initiative related to the solutions that landscape management offers to prevent wildfires: an online repository of landscape solutions to prevent wildfires, thanks to the PREVAIL project funded by the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism, in collaboration with the Pau Costa Foundation.

PREVAIL (PREVention Action Increases Large fire response preparedness) project aims at demonstrating that the close link between fuel management, preparedness and response to fire is more than a mantra. PREVAIL key concept is that fire prevention can make large fire suppression more effective and less costly.

Link to the webinar:

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Segnalazione eventi SISEF. A cura di: Angela Rositi e Maddalena Monge. Per segnalare eventi alla redazione, si prega di inviare un messaggio e-mail a: