Call for Papers

DACA 2013 Sessione Forest-snow interactions

The aim of this session is to give an overview and share the developments being made in the field of interactions between forest- and snow properties and about the underlying ecological and hydrological processes under tree canopies . We particularly welcome contributions that are cross disciplinary and encompass forest ecology/soil science as well as hydrology/meteorology. The session should thus provide a basis to better understand the implications of changes in forest cover and snow regimes on ecosystem functioning and services.

Open Call COST-FTP Forum

Segnalato da: Federico Magnani Dear friends and colleagues, After the successful COST – FTP Early Stage Researcher Workshop 2010 the organising institutions (COST, FTP, EFPRO, INNOVAWOOD and EFI) have decided to invite Young Research again to present their ideas in conjunction with the 8th FTP conference...

ForestSAT 2012: A conference promoting science-based applications of remote sensing and other spatial data in forested systems

Announcing ForestSAT 2012: A conference promoting science-based applications of remote sensing and other spatial data in forested systems – The purpose of ForestSAT 2012 is to promote scientifically-based understanding of how spatial analysis technologies can help describe and monitor forested systems. Recognized is an inherent need to integrate data from an array of remote sensing systems, and other spatial information, using a variety of approaches…