1 year position at INRA
Assessing climate change impact on temperate agroforestry systems with a process-based simulation model (Montpellier, France)
The UMR System at INRA (National Institute For Agronomical Research),
Montpellier, France, offers a 1 year position with the major tasks to assess the climate change impact on temperate agroforestry systems and to explore adaptation strategies for the design and management of temperate agroforestry systems.
The main activities comprise
- model use to assess the impact of climate change on the behavior of agroforestry systems, with a focus on resilience and production stability
- management of a field-scale experiment on the impact of climate change on a walnut-wheat agroforestry system.
A view of the experimental rain exclusion system in a mature agroforestry system. More details about the model and its use for assessing climate change impact can be found in the following publications:
– The Ph.D. thesis of G. Talbot (2011) available online at this link
– A recent paper produced with the model available at this link
The successful candidate will contribute to an international research project called AGFORWARD that is funding the position. More details about the project can be found on the project web-site.
We are looking for a motivated person able to work with process-based crop models. The model is implemented under the CAPSIS software platform for the modelling of forest growth. The successful candidate will have a MsC or PhD degree in agriculture, plant sciences, modelling or related sciences with a background in crop production and expertise in using and improving crop simulation models.
Programming expertise is not required. A good command of English is required, as well as writing skills in order to publish results in international scientific journals. We offer a full position paid according to the INRA regulations for scientists. At the post doctoral level the gross salary ranges from 2200 to 2400 €/month according to experience. The contract will be for a period of 12 to 14 Months. The position is available immediately (November 2016). Applications (CV, PhD/MSc diplomas, statement of research interests and achievements, three names of referees) will be considered until the position is filled and should be sent by e-mail to: Dr. Christian Dupraz, INRA-UMR System, Email: dupraz@supagro.inra.fr
Info Autori
Scuola di scienze Agrarie, Forestali, Alimentari e Ambientali (SAFE-UNIBAS)