Postdoctoral Position in Ecological Informatics

University of California

We are seeking an ecoinformatics and geographic information science postdoctoral scientist to join the Vice Chancellor for Research and the Center for Conservation Biology Director at the University of California Riverside.  The selected applicant will provide a leadership role for our growing spatial eco informatics facility and work with center researchers developing and implementing advanced environmental data management applications.  Ongoing research in the center evaluates activities across the urban-agricultural-wildland continuum in landscapes of southern California.

The center has an extensive ecological data repository and ongoing data collection activities including image, sensor, and manual measurements.  We are working towards automated tools for coupling these data with process and empirical models.   With this position we plan to increase research opportunities for the management, analysis, and visualization of environmental data and models.  Activities will include developing data management and workflows that connect heterogeneous datasets for novel analyses.  The selected applicant will also participate with proposal development for federal and state funding agencies specifically targeted towards enhanced ecological informatics and cyber infrastructure.  Applicants should have training in geographic information science, ecoinformatics, computer science, or other related fields.

The University of California at Riverside is an affirmative action and equal opportunity employer, with a commitment to workforce diversity.

To apply, send via e-mail, a single pdf document that includes a cover letter describing background and interests, a current CV, and contact information for three letters of reference to Darrel Jenerette (  This position is open until filled and initial reviews will begin July 1.

For more information about the center see (

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Scuola di scienze Agrarie, Forestali, Alimentari e Ambientali (SAFE-UNIBAS)

Tiziana Gentilesca

Scuola di scienze Agrarie, Forestali, Alimentari e Ambientali (SAFE-UNIBAS)

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