Scientist with focus on modelling of plant growth

The Laimburg Research Centre is recruiting a highly motivated scientist to conduct research in the field of the GIS-based modelling of plant growth of vegetables.

Job description
The project is aimed at identifying suitable cultivation sites within South Tyrol for the production of vegetables. Main tasks will include acquisition, management and statistical analysis of GIS-based and agronomic data, in order to develop a practice-oriented model and to produce a mapping tool describing the suitability of cultivation sites in South Tyrol for several vegetable crops.

• MSc in Agricultural Sciences, Horticultural Sciences, Geoecology or similar is required
• PhD or Post-Doc experience and a strong publication record in the aforementioned fields are desired
• Knowledge of GIS, statistics and mathematical modelling of plant growth, mainly depending on meteorological factors, and of database management, are desired
• Excellent research skills, expertise in the field of vegetable crops and programming skills are an advantage
• Strong organisational and communication skills
• Fluent in German and/or Italian, good communication skills in oral and written English
• Candidates should be highly motivated, able to work independently and posses good team-working skills

Duration: until December 2015

Application deadline: 30.08.2013

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Scuola di scienze Agrarie, Forestali, Alimentari e Ambientali (SAFE-UNIBAS)

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Scuola di scienze Agrarie, Forestali, Alimentari e Ambientali (SAFE-UNIBAS)

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