
#Forest Tweeting

Oltre la solita emergenza: pianificare la prevenzione degli #incendi #boschivi in Italia

Interessante: gli alberi pilotano la decomposizione della lettiera e il microbioma ad essa associato: i cambiamenti nella composizione delle foreste temperate influenzeranno i cicli biogeochimici.

Diciamo basta all’emergenza infinita delle piene del Seveso, occorre completare il sistema dei bacini di laminazione con la vasca di Varedo, bonificando i terreni dell’Ex-SNIA.

🌳 What species are targeted in the #OptFORESTS seed collection efforts? Explore the diverse tree species and climates involved & learn how these collections contribute to understanding #climatechange adaptation in forests 🌱#HorizonEU

Happy #IntlForestDay!
In 2024 we are celebrating #forest & #innovations 🎉🌲💡

For a week from today, we will share with you the most exciting #ForestInnovation from the projects we are involved in!

👀 Follow us on X & LinkedIn to discover them all ➡️ https://www.linkedin.com/company/efimed-facility/

An insightful and pleasant lesson on #canopystructure and #canopyphotography by our dear colleague @Frances90179642
In the wonderful experimental garden of @SapienzaRoma

Do you know someone who *loves* trees & wants to spend the summer working outside? 🌳+✏️+📒=😄 (+ 💵) Harvard Forest is seeking summer field technicians to re-census (measure, map, & record) trees in our 85-acre megaplot! 🌱Applicants must enjoy trees. 🌲🌳https://harvardforest.fas.harvard.edu/employment

🌲🌳✨Meet the #EFIBioGateway, a platform that provides a roadmap to the circular forest-based bioeconomy. 🔗Explore now, and Happy International Day of Forests! #ForestDay 🔗 https://biogateway.efi.int/

🚨Fully funded PhD🚨

Come help us combine tree sensor networks and remote sensing to better understand forest demographic responses to climate extremes.

More info here: https://www.findaphd.com/phds/project/combining-tree-sensor-networks-and-remote-sensing-to-characterise-forest-demographic-responses-to-climate-extremes/?p164912

Get in touch if you have questions or apply directly by 5 April.

Prevedere gli #incendiboschivi in ambiente mediterraneo con la modellazione di massima entropia. Su iForest: platinum open access: senza costi per gli autori

📢NEW PAPER @STOTEN_journal Integrating remote sensing and climate data improves tree-ring width modelling. Read about this collaborative research, in which we contributed extensive datasets from the #DendroNetwork🌲Unlocking the secrets of forest growth! https://authors.elsevier.com/c/1iMpsB8ccyldP

Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna
Tenure Track position (RTT): “Analysis of forest response to management and climate change..."
Duration: 6 years. Deadline: 6/02/2024


#Vacancy at European Topic Centre on Spatial Analysis and Synthesis
(ETC-UMA): Senior Specialist in
Forest ecosystem conservation and climate resilience” :

Qui chiarimenti sulla vicenda del doppio #vincolopaesaggistico e dei tagli colturali nei #boschi.

#Incendi #forestali in #Italia: analisi di quanto accaduto negli ultimi 50 anni. Su Forest@, la rivista ad accesso libero e senza costi per gli autori.

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