Forest Europe High-Level Policy Dialogue on 30 August

Save the Date: 30 August 2022
The High Level Policy Dialogue 2022 is organised in line with the Bratislava Ministerial Declaration 2021 as well as the Forest Europe Work Programme priorities and follows guidance provided by the General Coordinating Committee (GCC). The following Policy Dialogue is fully inline with the objectives of Forest Europe and the aim to develop common strategies at pan-European level for its 46 signatories on how to protect and sustainably manage their forests (
Due to the ongoing pandemic, the event will be hybrid, with physical participation in Bonn, Germany, for panellists and keynote speakers only, including ministers responsible for forests and forestry as well as the observer organizations. The host of this event is the German Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture, Mr. Cem Özdemir which will physically take place in Bonn. The event will have two consecutive panel discussions where ministers, their representatives and other participants can interact directly with high-level speakers during the discussion. To set the scene, renowned researchers will present a science-policy brief. The interested public will be able to follow this event online.
More information including the registration link will be shared soon. Meanwhile, stay updated on the initiative here: or send an email to