Call for abstracts: A century of National Forest Inventories – informing past, present and future decisions

Almost 100 years have passed since 1919 when Norway started field work for the world’s first national forest inventory (NFI). Since then, NFI objectives, techniques, and resources have all evolved in response to society’s changing needs. From decision support for national, regional and local forest policies, to international reporting under the Climate Convention, to forest health monitoring, societal requirements and challenges for NFIs are becoming broader.

We take this unique opportunity to celebrate the first 100 years of NFI history by bringing together researchers and practitioners with interests in forest monitoring to reflect on past challenges and lessons learned and to improve future large-scale forest and landscape inventory programs.

The conference will feature keynote presentations by five internationally recognized experts in the field of forest inventory and monitoring. Please visit our conference website for more details, to submit your abstract and to register for the conference. The deadline for submitting abstracts is 30 September 2018:
Themes of the conference

Improving future NFIs by learning from the past

What can we learn from historic data and long time series?
History of forest sampling techniques and measurement devices
History of remote sensing in NFI’s
How did and do NFI’s contribute to major debates like acid rain (“forest dieback”), climate change, and others?
NFIs today and in the future

Importance of international cooperation – FAO, ENFIN, SNS, and others
Policy, regulations, funding, education
Sampling designs in various NFIs
Newly established NFIs in the context of REDD+
How are NFI data used today?
Use of NFI data in research (e.g. modeling risk, growth and yield studies, climate change)
Informing critical environmental issues by monitoring biodiversity and other ecological aspects
Techniques for greenhouse gas inventories
Cutting edge and futuristic inventory techniques and technologies

NFI’s and FMI’s – pathways to a fruitful synergy?
Evolution of NFIs from forest to landscape inventories
Remote sensing and sampling methods
New sensors and satellite missions
Dissemination of forest inventory data
Value of information
Informing precision forestry
New field measurement devices and technologies (TLS, photogrammetry, etc.)

Please forward this mail to colleagues that may be interested in this event.

On behalf of the organizing committee,

Johannes Breidenbach
Research professor, phd
National Forest Inventory
Forest and forest resources
Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research
P.O. Box 115, NO-1431 Ås, NORWAY

#nfi100 @NIBIO_no

(Segnalato da: Piermaria Corona)

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