Call for Permanent Position in Sweden
segnalato da Federico Magnani
The ICOS RI seeks a Director of the Carbon Portal (DCP) for a full-time position. The position is initially for 5 years but the General Assembly can decide upon the extent of the duration.
It is expected that the DCP will be selected by February 2014 and it is desirable that the applicant can start working as soon as possible after the decision has been taken. Initially, the position will be placed at Lund University and then transferred to the ICOS ERIC once the ERIC is in place. The physical location of the position is Lund University, Lund, Sweden. The European ICOS Research Infrastructure (ICOS RI) carries out the long-term greenhouse gas (GHG) observations required to understand the present state and predict the future behavior of the global carbon cycle and greenhouse gas sinks/sources. ICOS is a distributed infrastructure consisting of national observation station networks, Central Facilities, a Carbon Portal and a Head Office (HO). The legal entity, pending application and subsequent approval by the European Commission, is the ICOS European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) that will be located in Helsinki, Finland together with the HO. The Carbon Portal (CP) will be part of ICOS ERIC and hosted by Lund University, Sweden with a secondary node in the Netherlands. A detailed description of the ICOS infrastructure and the roles of the CP can be found here.
Info Autori
Scuola di scienze Agrarie, Forestali, Alimentari e Ambientali (SAFE-UNIBAS)